11. Implementation of intensive home treatment in Norway: a naturalistic study of eight teams

In 2005 the Norwegian health authorities decided to implement intensive home treatment in Norway, inspired by the UK experience with this model. By 2008, 35 of the 75 community mental health centres  in the country had established intensive home treatment teams. This study was a naturalistic study of eight teams and their patients, and is part of the Multicentre Study on Acute Psychiatry ( MAP) in Norway. The study found that intensive home treatment teams in Norway did not implement the whole ” UK Crisis Resolution Team Model” .None of the teams operated 24/7 or had gate-keeping functions for acute wards. They also treated patients who were not considered for hospital admission. A relatively small proportion ( 14%) had psychotic symptoms. There were significant variations between teams in patients’ total severity of symptoms and social problems; those teams operating extended hours tended to treat sicker patients. For fuller implementation of the model, fidelity scales and supporting toolkits may be useful.

Norway-study of implementation of crht model

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